[mapserver-users] Meteorological implementations?

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Oct 23 11:08:16 PDT 2002

You might be able to do that MapServer, depends on how sophisticated the
labeling needs to be. Version 3.7 lets you offset features so you could
define complex presentations around a station point using multiple
layers. As long as data could be stored in shapefiles or another
supported format you'd be ok. 

You could also do something like:


Where detailed station data is presented when the mouse moves over a
station, while displaying more general data in the map itself. In this
case we store station data in XML files but could easily access a
version of the data that is stored in a relational database.

Just thinking out loud...


>>> Gerry Creager <gerry.creager at tamu.edu> 10/22/02 04:06PM >>>
I believe this to be the case.  Specifically, what I'v envisioned is a

mapserver baselayer and core functionality as a mapservice, with
station sites overlaid thereon, as queriable objects.  I'd like to find

a way to update the station data as new data rolls in (temperature, dew

point, barometric pressure) as well as setting a wind barb character
rotating same to reflect the direction

Specifically, what we're doing is creating the demo site for a
or a statewide, dense network of weather stations reporting conditions

in near real time.  (Sean, look at www.mesonet.org for a well 
established example.)

We're working under some time constraints that are some where between 
ambitious and unrealistic to get an initial site up.  That's why I 
decided to solicit some input here rather than trying to reinvent the


Steve Lime wrote:
> Describe what you guys mean by station data? MapServer may just
> be a piece of the puzzle. TrueType lines where added specifically
> meteorological data in mind.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Data & Applications Manager
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
>>>>Sean Gillies <sgillies at frii.com> 10/21/02 10:36AM >>>
> Gerry,
> I'm not using Mapserver for any wx stuff, but I know
> the software well and I've seen tons of weather maps.
> Mapserver by itself is not going to be a good tool
> for displaying station data.  If you had isopleths,
> fronts, troughs, etc. as vectors, and maybe even
> radar echos as rasters, Mapserver would be
> great for rendering these.  You'd need some extra
> functionality for station data unless you could
> come up with a creative hack like turning station
> plots into shapes in a shapefile.
> If I were doing it, I'd use Mapserver or mapscript
> to make a base map, and then merge it with custom
> station data imagery created using the Python Imaging
> Library or Python or Perl script interfaces to the
> GD library.
> cheers,
> Sean
> Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote:
>>Has anyone been using Mapserver for meteorological implementations,
>>especially display of weather stations and their data?
>>Could you please reply directly to gerry.creager at tamu.edu with URLs
> and
>>any comments pro- or con?

Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at tamu.edu 
Network Engineering -- AATLT, Texas A&M University	
Office: 979.458.4020  FAX: 979.847.8578
Cell: 979.229.4301    Pager: 979.228.0173

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