Fw: [mapserver-users] How to query the non geometry data in POSTGIS?

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Wed Oct 23 11:22:28 PDT 2002

Well, I should read the MapServer doc before making requests.

There alreadly exists a CGI mechanism for changing a map file variable from
a web page.  See the bottom of:

This will solve my problem of allow end-user queries on-the-fly;  I'll have
some JavaScript create a new DATA string with a where-clause based on user
specified attribute values.

Brent Fraser

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brent Fraser" <bfraser at geoanalytic.com>
To: <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>; <yeong888 at giga.net.tw>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] How to query the non geometry data in

> It depends on your requirement.
> 1.  If you want to allow end-user queries of non-geometric tables stored
> POSTGIS (which means they're just plain old PostgreSQL tables), then
> MapServer or MapScript can't do it (at least not that I know of).  Use
> server-side scripting such as Perl, PHP, etc.
> 2.  If you want to simply put a restriction on the geometric data returned
> based on attibute values, add a where-clause to the layer's DATA
> in the map file.  This can get fairly sophisticated in MapServer 3.7 as
> can use sub-SELECT statements to perform joins between the geometric table
> and other non-geometric tables.  Here's a snippet from David Blasby's
> message of Sept 30:
>     DATA "the_geom from (SELECT the_geom, nut3.nurgcd as nurgcd,
> as
>     unit,gid  FROM nut3) as foo using unique gid using SRID=6543"
> 3. If you want to allow end-user queries of geometric tables based on
> attribute values, I think the answer is MapScript.  I would like to find
> how to do it using just the CGI interface, but I think it is beyond
> MapServer's capabilies.
>   How about enhancing MapServer to allow the passing of a where-clause for
> layer via http?
> Brent Fraser
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <yeong888 at giga.net.tw>
> To: <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 7:26 AM
> Subject: [mapserver-users] How to query the non geometry data in POSTGIS?
> > Dear all:
> >   I am sorry to bother everyone. I have been tried the MapServer+PostGIS
> > many times, but I can't find the soultion to resolve question following:
> > How to query the non geometry data in PostGIS+PostgreSQL?
> > Is there anyone can tell how to handle this problem?
> >
> >                       Thank you
> >

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