[mapserver-users] .map

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Sep 20 08:27:09 PDT 2002


If the most you can view at any one time is one gif, then keep it 
VERY simple. Have the user select it based on any area, product
 type and date and dynamically define the file for the layer which 
will show that image. I think you can doe that without any mapscript, 
just using the CGI parameters.


On 20 Sep 2002 at 11:00, John Bennett wrote:

> Hi Tyler
> Thanks for the replies. This is a great user group.
> To be more specific, I have 50 different defined areas. Daily new gif
> files will come in showing the crop/soil conditions in each area. Each
> area may have 10 different products (gifs) that define the crop/soil
> condition. The site has to allow the user to select any area, product
> type and date (from 1970 to now) and the crop/soil conditions should
> be displayed to them. Therefore the spatial archive which is being
> constantly added to may have 5,000,000 gif's(I'm exaggerating). (350
> days x 10 products x 50 sites x 30 years). I'm thinking a possible way
> to do this is to have the 50 different areas in one shapefile. The
> user selects which shapefile and selects a date. The server gets that
> date/type and changes the name of the gif in the .map file according
> to the date/type selected by that user. What do you think? Any other
> suggestions? John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:TMitchell at lignum.com]
> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 5:37 PM
> To: John Bennett
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] .map
> You can have as many .map files as you want.  But typically 1 file is
> used per "application".  Each map file can contain as many
> layer/dataset definitions as you need though!  What is actually being
> updated?  Are you creating new files that you want to display - or
> simply modifying existing ones?  What needs to change in the map file?
>  Do you want to add a new layer/dataset (ie. a new shape file or
> image) or do you simply want the updated data to be displayed?   It
> will automatically!  Mapserver just reads what it is told to and will
> display any changes once a new request is made.
> Feel free to share a bit more of the process with us.
> Tyler
> |---------+--------------------------------------->
> |         |           "John Bennett"              |
> |         |           <john.bennett at noetix.on.ca> |
> |         |           Sent by:                    |
> |         |           owner-mapserver-users at lists.|
> |         |           gis.umn.edu                 |
> |         |                                   |
> |         |                                   |
> |         |           09/19/2002 01:17 PM         |
> |         |                                   |
> |---------+--------------------------------------->
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>   |
> |
>   |       To:       "Mapserver-Users"
>   <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
> |
>   |       cc:
> |
>   |       Fax to:
> |
>   |       Subject:  [mapserver-users] .map
> |
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >------
> -----------------------------------------|
> I'm new to this, therefore a simple question.
> I have a large dataset that is being added to daily, full of
> shapefiles and Gifs. For displaying these files using Mapserver is the
> protocol to update the .map file every time the database is updated
> (one big .map file, I don't think so, too big eh!) or make a new .map
> dynamically for each user depending on their request? Thanks for the
> past help. John

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