[mapserver-users] Problem with angle labels

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Sep 26 05:29:18 PDT 2002


This is a problem that is caused by the use of freetype 2.0, If you 
rebuild GD and mapserver using freetype 1.3.1 this problem will be 

-Steve W.

On 26 Sep 2002 at 13:59, Xisco Guaita wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working with street maps. But I've problems with the angle labels
> of the street line layer.
> The result.png attached file is a example of this. The street's center
> lines have been drawn to show the differences between label and line
> angles.
> I've builded a shapefile for testing purpose. It has a field with
> angles from 0º to 345º in steps of 15º.
> Here's the mapfile layer:
>   NAME labels
>   TYPE point
>   DATA "theme1"
>   status on
>   LABELcache off
>   labelangleitem angle #angles from 0º to 345º step 15º
>     text "--------------------"
>     LABEL
>       TYPE truetype
>       FONT Lucida
>       COLOR 75 75 75
>       SIZE 12
>     END
>   END
> and the 360.png attached file is the resulting image. There are some
> angles draw incorrectly. Is a problem of graphics libraries? Has
> anyone had the same problem, and has you found any solution?
> I'm using PHPMapscript 3.6.1, libgd 1.8.4, freetype 2.0, php 4.1.2
> Thanks in advance,
> Xisco Guaita

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