[mapserver-users] Transparent territory radius

Martin, Daniel DMartin at erac.com
Mon Sep 30 13:24:24 PDT 2002

Sorry for the HTML format if you cannot handle it.  It's the easiest way to
get my point across.  I'm not even sure the list supports it.

I am trying to create 30 kilometer radius territory rings that are
transparent.  I succeeded, but not in the way I want.  I created a PIXMAP
symbol that (when blown up) looks like this:

Dither symbol

Now, when I use that symbol in predefined a POLYGON layer, it looks like

Great, this is exactly what I want.  Except that I have to build the circle
buffer layer before hand.  When the underlying points change (which happens
almost every week), I have to rebuild the layer manually.  So, I figured I
could use the original point layer this way:

  SIZEUNITS kilometers
   SIZE 60
    NAME 'ORAC 30km ring'
    SYMBOL dither-blue-10_Percent
    COLOR 0 0 255
    OUTLINECOLOR 10 10 10

Unfortunately, that looks like this:


Not exactly what I was hoping for.  I've tried everything I could find in
the documentation, the Wiki, and the mailing list archives, but none of it
worked.  Does anyone know how I can accomplish this with a POINT layer?

Dan Martin
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