[Mapserver-users] measure distance

Richard Greenwood Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
Sun Aug 3 08:02:06 PDT 2003

At 01:48 PM 8/3/2003 +0200, Roman Meier wrote:

>Hi list
>I use mapserver as a cgi with dhtml and javascript just as the
>Now, I would like to give to the user the possibility to measure distances.
>Could somebody share his code with me? Or give me some help to realize it?

jBox is a Java applet that supports distance measuring, among other things. 
jBox was formerly called "mapplet". It does not appear to be on the UM 
Mapserver page yet, but it should show up soon as version 4.0 revisions to 
those pages are made. If you can't find it on the umn.edu site you can 
fetch it from my site at: http://www.greenwoodmap.com/mapserver/jBox/

Documentation can be found at: http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc/jbox-howto.html

And a working example at: www2.tetonwyo.org/mapserver


Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich <at> GreenwoodMap <dot> com
(307) 733-0203

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