[Mapserver-users] PROJ command line - lat/long to UTM zone 20

Debbie Pagurek pagurekd at agr.gc.ca
Wed Jan 8 09:57:21 EST 2003

Hi everyone,
this isn't directly related to mapserver but it is because I'm trying to set up a world file for a jpeg image...

can someone give me some pointers on how to use the PROJ command line to convert a lat/long point to  UTM zone coordinates?

I have tried several things but keep getting different results e.g.
  proj +proj=utm +lon_0=-63  -E -r <<EOF
> 46.25N 64.5W
46.25N 64.5W    384376.30       5122918.25

proj +proj=utm +lon_0=-63  -E -r <<EOF
> 46.25N 65W
46.25N 65W      345835.64       5123768.85

How come the UTM coordinate for 46.25N changed?
What am I doing incorrectly?

If anyone could please tell me the correct way to use the PROJ command line for lat/long to UTM conversion, I'd really REALLY appreciate it!

D. Pagurek
p.s. using PROJ 4.4.5 on linux.

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