[Mapserver-users] trouble with mapserver output

Alessandro Ceccotti alessandro.ceccotti at netxcalibur.com
Tue Jan 21 04:24:43 PST 2003

I've installed latest version of mapserver and I 've to use it to read data
from a spatial database (postgresql/postgis)
I use mapserver as cgi.
Mapserver give me the following error message.

msPOSTGISLayerOpen(): Query error. couldnt make connection to DB with
connect string 'user=ale dbname=test2 host= port=5432
Error reported was 'FATAL 1: IDENT authentication failed for user "ale" '.
This error occured when trying to make a connection to the specified
postgresql server.
Most commonly this is caused by
(1) incorrect connection string
(2) you didnt specify a 'user=...' in your connection string
(3) the postmaster (postgresql server) isnt running
(4) you are not allowing TCP/IP connection to the postmaster
(5) your postmaster is not running on the correct port - if its not on 5432
you must specify a 'port=...'
(6) the security on your system does not allow the webserver (usually user
'nobody') to make socket connections to the postmaster
(7) you forgot to specify a 'host=...' if the postmaster is on a different
(8) you made a typo

when I specify the host number or If I try to use localhost
connection, I recive no error messages, but a blank image.
Postmaster is running with -i option to allow TCP/IP connections.

Any ideas?

Alessandro Ceccotti

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