[Mapserver-users] polygon lable problem

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.com
Wed Jul 9 04:05:34 EDT 2003


I once had the same symptoms so maybe the same problem, which I solved by 
slighly modifying the source code of mapserver. I asked the developers to add 
this to cvs because it really seemed to improve labeling, but I don't know if 
they'd done it, and if not, why. Maybe I should file a bug/feature request on 
this? If one of the developers (Steve, you once mailed that you would check 
the patch) reads this, could you be so kind to answer this?

The proposed patch is in a mail thread of the mapserver-dev list. Search the 
archives of this list for the subject "label centroid alog". You will find 
the patch there, it's quite simple, just a few lines to change. You could do 
it by hand, just remove the lines that start with a minus sign and add the 
lines with a plus sign :-). Or use 'patch'.
For me this change was magick: at once all my labels appeared. Hope it does 
the trick for you too.


On Tuesday 08 July 2003 18:02, Aaron D. Hunt wrote:
> With the layer below, Mapserver seams to have a problem labeling concave
> polygons. If you look at the image link below, there is one concave polygon
> in Canada that is not labeled. Is there any way to get mapserver to label
> the polygon.
> http://wcs.zedxinc.com/dy images/cold.png
>  NAME weather
>  TYPE polygon
>  DATA ""
>      NAME "NAM"
>      COLOR  47 111 111
>      TEXT Cool/Wet
>      LABEL
>    force true
>    FONT arial
>    SIZE 12
>    POSITION cc
>    OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>    COLOR 0 0 0
>      END
>   END
>  END
> Aaron D. Hunt
> Technical Manager
> ZedX Inc.
> Voice: 814-357-8490
> Fax:    814-357-8499

Vincent Schut
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands

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