[Mapserver-users] perl mapscript 3.6.5

mapsurfer mapsurf at midsouth.rr.com
Tue Jun 3 15:46:11 PDT 2003

Steve /et al.,

I am trying to install mapscript on a shared computer (private install in a
home directory)
My setup is a freebsd4.6 machine, perl 5.6.1, gcc 2.x, etc.
When I try to install mapscript on 3.6.5, it seems to compile and install
fine, but when I try to "use" it,
I get an error about an "Unresolved: gdImageGif".  If I use the same
"configure" on an older version
(my good ol 3.3_012), it runs fine.  gd-1.8.4 is installed in my private
usr/local and it gets compiled in
OK.  I set LD_CONFIG_PATH to my private "lib" path, but that didnt fix
anything.  I tried installing
a both static and shared gd libs, which didnt help either.

There doesnt seem to anything wrong with the configure or build of mapserv,
but for some reason
perl mapscript 3.6.5 wont resolve GD.  I guess it is looking for it in
/usr/local/lib.  I went thru the
Makefile, but dont the see problem yet.  I suspect its something in
Makefile.PL, but can't tell for
sure. Do you have any ideas on whats going on?


Chris S

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