[Mapserver-users] Building gdal with Xerces

Mike V. Andreev andreev at d902.iki.rssi.ru
Fri May 16 14:21:37 EDT 2003

÷ ðÔÎ, 16.05.2003, × 21:49, Frank Warmerdam ÐÉÛÅÔ:
> Benjamin Thelen (CCGIS) wrote:
> > That means 1.7.0 won't run? Do you think, that xerces 1.6.0 would
> > automatically be recognized by gdal at installation time of gdal? Otherwise
> > I would have to find out what to specify for --with-xerces-in=dir
> > and --with-xerces-lib=opts. Especiall the last one is a miracle to me.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Ben

Gdal's configure use by default --with-xerces-lib="-L/usr/local/lib
-lxerces-c1_6_0 -lpthread". I think that for another version of xerces
you need specify somethink diferent.

  Mike Andreev

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