[Mapserver-users] PLEASE HELP...

Paul Spencer spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu May 22 10:07:13 PDT 2003

do you have at least one class defined for your layer?

Becher, Richard wrote:

> Thanks for your reply!
> However, I have done all that you mentioned. 
> Here is the entry in my map file:
> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
> CONNECTION 'user/password at db'
> DATA "LatLongPoint from CRHP_SPATIAL"
> There is definitely data in the table.  Like I said there are no errors 
> but the data does not display on my map.
> I am retrieving the whole table just to see if I can display anything 
> right now.
> Any other ideas as to why my data won’t display?
> Cheers,
> Richard
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH 
> [mailto:Michael.Smith at erdc.usace.army.mil]
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 22, 2003 11:17 AM
> *To:* Becher, Richard; Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> *Subject:* RE: [Mapserver-users] PLEASE HELP...
> Richard,
> Mapserver needs to be compiled with the oracle libraries
> i.e. --with-oraclespatial = /path/to/oracle/home
> Then, in the map file use
>  CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
>  CONNECTION 'user/password at tnsname' <mailto:'user/password at tnsname'>
>  DATA 'sdo_geometry_column FROM tablename'
> I've also found that if you use this format for the DATA line, that 
> mapserver will only select data with the extents of you map view, if you 
> use 'sdo_geom_col from (select * from tablename)' which is also valid, 
> on every redraw you will be retrieving the entire data table and not 
> using a spatial index.
> You do not have to use OGR to access Oracle. OGR is slower at this point 
> but does support more features (attribute queries mainly).
> Another importtant point is to increase the ARRAY_SIZE in the 
> maporaclespatial.c code. By default, it is set at 1, but we get much, 
> much faster performance by increasing the ARRAY_SIZE to 500 or 1000. 
> Basically this allows mapserver to send 500 ot 1000 rows at a time.
> Mike Smith
> email: michael.smith at erdc.usace.army.mil
> Hanover, NH  03755
> (603) 646-4765
>     -----Original Message-----
>     *From:* Becher, Richard [mailto:RichardBecher at SierraSystems.com]
>     *Sent:* Thursday, May 22, 2003 10:17 AM
>     *To:* Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>     *Subject:* [Mapserver-users] PLEASE HELP...
>     *Importance:* High
>     I have not been able to get a response on how to display data using
>     Mapserver from Oracle.
>     I have created a connection to my Oracle db and I do not get any errors.
>     However, the data does not display.
>     I was told that I can't do this direct connection to Oracle and that
>     I have to use OGR.
>     Can someone please confirm this and give me any help on how to
>     simply display data from my Oracle database using Mapserver?
>     Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
>     Cheers,
>     **Richard Becher**
>     /*/Sierra Systems/*/*
>     *130 Slater Street, Suite 800
>     Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2
>     Phone: 613.236.7888, Extension: 350
>     Fax: 613.236.9333
>     Email: RichardBecher at SierraSystems.com
>     www.SierraSystems.com <http://www.sierrasystems.com/>

Paul Spencer
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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