[Mapserver-users] Re: python mapscript 3.7/4.0

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Sun May 25 13:14:49 EDT 2003


The newer code in pymodule.i uses a new-ish function in maperror.c
named msResetErrorList.  Did you remember to make clean and re-make
your mapserver source before rebuilding mapscript?


On Saturday, May 24, 2003, at 11:06  AM, Michael Schulz wrote:

> Hi,
> i keep having problem with the python mapscript build with some newer 
> version of pymodule.i (v.1.2). The python setup_wnone.py build command 
> stops with:
> "error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1"
> If i use an older version of pymodule (1.1) the build process gives no 
> errors and python/mapscript is built and working properly. What could 
> be the problem?
> Cheers, Michael

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