[Mapserver-users] Graphics card recommendation for ArcIMS?

Stuart Green arcims at stuartgreen.net
Fri Nov 14 11:50:53 PST 2003

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I am in the process of ordering hardware for a new ArcIMS server we're
installing. It will be running on Windows 2000. My question is, what
graphics card should I order? We don't expect a huge amount of traffic --
maybe 100,000 maps a day (but that is just a guess). If anyone has any
suggestions I would really appreciate it.

Thanks- Stuart

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<TITLE>Graphics card recommendation for ArcIMS?</TITLE>
<FONT FACE=3D"Verdana">I am in the process of ordering hardware for a new Arc=
IMS server we're installing. It will be running on Windows 2000. My question=
 is, what graphics card should I order? We don't expect a huge amount of tra=
ffic -- maybe 100,000 maps a day (but that is just a guess). If anyone has a=
ny suggestions I would really appreciate it.<BR>
Thanks- Stuart<BR>


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