[Mapserver-users] pb with projection settings

Richard Greenwood Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
Mon Nov 24 06:41:16 PST 2003

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At 06:46 AM 11/24/2003, you wrote:

>Hi list,
>I've got a problem with the use of the proj.lib in Mapserver: I would like 
>to display some map in Italy but I don't succeed in setting the right 
>projection parameters. I get always the same distorted map if I change the 
>parameters in the file proj_def.dat or when I change the projection 
>settings in the mapfile (for the main projection and for the layer 
>reprojections). Has someone any idea about the solution of these problem ??
>Thank you very much.

You must set two projections; the target projection and the source 
projection. The target projection is the output projection. It is set for 
the entire map file. You have is set for lat / long in your attached example.

The source projection is for individual layers. It is only required for 
layers that are not in your desired output projection. You must tell 
mapserver what projection these layers are in so that they can be 
reprojected into the output target projection.

You appear to be using MapInfo, which can reproject layers for you. You 
might consider doing this because it will make your map file simpler, and 
because there will be less processing required of mapserver. You reproject 
your data only once, rather than for every map request.

When you post a sample map file to the list, it is nice if you clean it up 
first. Try to remove blocks that are commented out and unnecessary layers 
so that we can more easily see what is going on.


Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich <at> GreenwoodMap <dot> com
(307) 733-0203


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