[Mapserver-users] Image (PNG) not transparent in Netscape 6

Gerry Creager N5JXS gerry.creager at tamu.edu
Thu Sep 18 06:29:11 PDT 2003

Now that you mention it, I've been working with png's created by 
ImageMagick, from GemPak-created gif's.  The PNG's have artifacts that 
don't appear in the GIF's, as viewed on Mozilla 1.4a.  Apparently, in my 
case, ImageMagick's translation algorithm is taking some liberties with 
a couple of low-order bits.

Overall, I've had excellent luck with png in netscape/mozilla, and 
dismal success in Ieeeeeeeeee.  However, I've abandoned png for my radar 
mosaics because of this anomaly.

Summary:  I'm no longer sure whether I blame Netscape or ImageMagick.


Bjoern Platzen wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I already did such a test with a Fireworks-generated PNG and it works in 
> NS 6. But I think that mustn't mean, that it's not a NS-Bug...
> The WMS-Client that does the GetMap-Request requests as well Maps from 
> other WMS (that are not UMN-MapServer-WMS) and there the transparency 
> works. AFAIK these WMS use Index-Transparency.
> Does MapServer 3.6 support Index-Transparency? I couldn't find in the 
> docs, so I think it does not, right?
> At the Moment the WMS-Client is presented at the InterGeo in Hamburg, so 
> that we are going to dig deeper into this next week. I just hoped, that 
> this would be a known issue... (though I didn't find anything about 
> this in the archives)
> I you or someone else has another idea, what may cause the problem, 
> please tell me...
> Thanks,
> Bjoern.
> Am Donnerstag, 18. September 2003 01:24 schrieb Steve Lime:
>>Blame Netscape would be my guess. To test? Create a supposedly
>>transparent PNG outside of MapServer and see what happens.

Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at tamu.edu
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