[Mapserver-users] fail to use mapserver 4.0 demo

Ziying Sherwin sherwin at lhc.nlm.nih.gov
Mon Sep 22 12:04:50 PDT 2003

Dear Mapserver Gurus,

We have been trying to build mapserver 4.0 from source on a SPARC computer
under Solaris 2.8, using gcc 3.3, and would deeply appreciate your advice
about a problem we have been having.  First, the details of our installation.
We are compiling it with the following adjunct libraries:

   curl 7.10.5
   freetype 2.1.4
   gd 2.0.15 
   gdal 1.1.8 
   jpeg 6b
   libgeotiff 1.2.1
   libiconv 1.8
   pdflib 5.0.1
   proj.4 4.4.7
   tiff 3.6.0b2
   zlib 1.1.4

We configured it as follows:

./configure --prefix=/depot/package/mapserver_4.0/vendor \
            --with-jpeg=/depot/package/jpeg_6b \
            --with-gd=/depot/package/gd_2.0.15 \
            --with-freetype=/depot/package/freeptype_2.1.4/bin \
            --with-zlib=/depot/package/zlib_1.1.4 \
            --with-png=/depot/package/libpng_1.2.5 \
            --with-xpm=/depot/package/xpm_3.4k \
            --with-pdf=/depot/package/pdflib_5.0.1 \
            --with-tiff=/depot/package/tiff_3.6.0b2 \
            --with-proj=/depot/package/proj_4.4.7/vendor \
            --with-gdal=/depot/package/gdal_1.1.8/vendor/bin/gdal-config \
            --with-curl-config=/depot/package/curl_7.10.5/vendor/bin/curl-config \
            --enable-ignore-missing-data \

After compiling the package, we installed the binary "mapserv" into our
Apache cgi-bin directory.  We then installed the itasca3.5 demo into the
htdocs directory and edited the file "demo_init.html" to refer to the
correct directories.  When we tried to test the installation by visiting
the URL:

We saw a document containing the following message:

   |                       MapServer Demo Interface                          |
   |                                                                         |
   | Click on the initialize button to fire up the demo with 3 layers turned |
   | on will be accessible for browsing. The data are of Itasca County, MN   |
   | and were derived, for the most part, from USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles.    |
   | Some things to note are:                                                |
   |                                                                         |
   |                             Initialize                                  |

After pressing the "Initialize" button, we observed the following error

   msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined overlay symbol "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in class 0, style 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. 
   msAddImageSymbol(): General error message. Unable to load GIF symbol. 
   msInitGDALOutputFormat(): General error message. GDAL `GTiff' driver does not support output. 

We are baffled here.  Can you help explain the meaning of these messages,
and guide us in getting the installation working properly?

Our sincere thanks in advance for any helpful remarks!

Ziying Sherwin (sherwin at nlm.nih.gov)
RPC Rodgers (rodgers at nlm.nih.gov)

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