[Mapserver-users] help with annotations

Matt Doggett mdoggett at coas.oregonstate.edu
Mon Sep 22 12:36:53 PDT 2003

Well, I have a single point layer that contains weather station data.  I
currently have it so that the label (actually the 'text' attribute of
the shape object) contains the station identifier. In addition to this,
I also would like to be able to display one, some, all of additional
data like temp, dewpt, winds, etc.
None of the responses so far has suggested annotations so maybe that's
not the direction I need to be going.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu [mailto:mapserver-users-
>admin at lists.gis.umn.edu] On Behalf Of Tyler Mitchell
>Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 11:18 AM
>To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] help with annotations
>Do you just want to create labels that use more than one line (i.e.
>multi-line labels) and use more than one attribute?  Are you already
>displaying labels okay?  You can do all this using similar methodology
>far as I know.   Maybe give us a short example of what you are already
>doing and how you'd like that to change.
>mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu wrote on 09/22/2003 10:45:36
>> I have some point data where I want to display more than one data
>> the labels at each data point (eg. Temperature, windspeed, dewpt,
>> would I do this?  I'm thinking that this would involve annotation
>> I can't find any documentation that says exactly what they are or how
>> them.  Can anyone shed some light on how to use annotation layers?
>> using PHP/Mapscript if that helps.
>> TIA,
>> Matt
>> Matt Doggett
>> Spatial Climate Analysis Service
>> Oregon State University
>> 316 Strand Ag Hall
>> Corvallis, OR 97331
>> (541)737-9153
>> mdoggett at coas.oregonstate.edu
>> [attachment "winmail.dat" deleted by Tyler Mitchell/Lignum]
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