[Mapserver-users] OGC-compliant WMS-server deliveringdynamiclayerswith MS?

Debbie Pagurek pagurekd at agr.gc.ca
Tue Sep 30 11:06:16 PDT 2003

Right, OK.

I can do this:
 and then

(saveImage is only available for an image object, not a map object).

Thanks again, Daniel.


>>> Daniel Morissette <morissette at dmsolutions.ca> 09/30/03 12:20PM >>>
Debbie Pagurek wrote:
> as per some suggestions from Daniel Morissette, I have made a change
> my script so that it doesn't do a redirect to result in an image,
> instead, the script outputs an image directly using PHP readfile
> function.

Actually, after our email exchanges yesterday I realized that you could

save the temporary image + readfile() steps if you called 
$map->saveImage("") with an empty filename.  When it is passed an empty

filename, saveImage() sends its output to stdout, i.e. directly to the

client.  I promise it's the last time I suggest a change, it can't get

any shorter than that.  ;)

  Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca 
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ 

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