JPEG 2000 format instead of TIFF for a RASTER layer

Brant Anderson brant at MUDLABS.COM
Thu Aug 26 11:38:53 PDT 2004

I ran 'gdal_translate' and it converted the JP2 image perfectly.

This is the text it sent to the console:
Input file size is 108, 420
GeoJp2 info found...

I notice a simularity in the second line gdal_translate's output and the
'malformed header' apache error.
Snip from Apache error log:
Bad header=GeoJp2 info found...

Hmmm... I am getting closer. My guess is that the output from the
translation utility is getted slapped to the begining of the header that
is sent to Apache. This would make the header invalid, which in turn,
would cause Apache to choke with the Internal Server Error.

More insight needed.



Ed McNierney wrote:

> Brant -
> Thanks - I guess I must have slept through that one <g>.  Considering
> that I'm a rather heavy user of tile indexes, I guess I should pay
> more attention!
> You might want to try one of the GDAL command-line tools to read the
> JP2 files you've got - maybe just convert one to a TIFF.  That would
> help ensure that you've (a) got valid JP2 files and (b) that GDAL's
> working correctly at least in that case.
>     - Ed
> Ed McNierney
> President and Chief Mapmaker
> / Maps a la carte, Inc.
> 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
> North Chelmsford, MA  01863
> ed at
> (978) 251-4242
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* UMN MapServer Users List
> [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] *On Behalf Of *Brant Anderson
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 26, 2004 2:18 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] JPEG 2000 format instead of TIFF
> for a RASTER layer
> The two layer combination is the "new way" of doing tile indexes. I
> have tried both the original and the new ways.
> Look at this post:
> After seeing this message in the apache error log...
> [Thu Aug 26 02:29:45 2004] [error] [client] malformed
> header from
> script. Bad header=GeoJp2 info found...: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserv421
> ... I am wondering if it is an internal Mapserver/GDAL/Apache error. I
> looked up "malformed header" on the Apache site.
> Result 2 Apache HTTP Server: Notes about Compatibility with NCSA's
> Server <> looks to
> be the most relevant result.
> This line...|
> exec cgi=""| produces reasonable *malformed header* responses when
> used to invoke non-CGI scripts.
> The NCSA code ignores the missing header (bad idea).
> Solution: write CGI to the CGI spec and use |include virtual|, or use
> |exec cmd=""| instead.
> ...appears to be somewhat related. I'm not familiar with the
> interworkings of Apache, so I'm not sure.
> I feel confident that my syntax is correct. I have beat it to death!
> For some reason, gdal-config is telling me that I have JPEG2000
> support. I know that it was compiled in. But maybe the way gdal is
> calling the JPEG2000 conversion isn't working via the web-server.
> Any insight?
> Thanks,
> Brant
> Ed McNierney wrote:
>> Brant -
>> You've posted two LAYER definitions - what's the second one for?  The
>> default field name used to look up the name of the image file is not
>> "PATH" - that's why there's a TILEITEM statement in the second LAYER
>> definition you've posted.  But there is no such TILEITEM statement in
>> the LAYER where you're trying to use the JPEG2000 files.
>>     - Ed
>> Ed McNierney
>> President and Chief Mapmaker
>> / Maps a la carte, Inc.
>> 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
>> North Chelmsford, MA  01863
>> Phone: +1 978 251-4242   Fax: +1 978 251-1396
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* UMN MapServer Users List
>> [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] *On Behalf Of *Brant Anderson
>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 26, 2004 3:34 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] JPEG 2000 format instead of TIFF
>> for a RASTER layer
>> Here is a line from the apache web server log file:
>> [Thu Aug 26 02:29:45 2004] [error] [client] malformed
>> header from
>> script. Bad header=GeoJp2 info found...: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserv421
>> Maybe that has something to do with it. If so, any ideas how to fix this?
>> Brant
>> Brant Anderson wrote:
>>> Here are some more details:
>>> Mapfile: ( Full mapfile can be found here:
>>> )
>>> ---->snip<----
>>>   LAYER
>>>     NAME 'index'
>>>     DATA 'dougIndex_jp2.shp' # JPEG2000 Images in same folder as
>>> Shapefiles (TESTING)
>>>     #DATA 'dougIndex_ortho.shp' # TIFF Images in 'ortho' sub-folder
>>>     #DATA 'dougIndex.shp' # TIFF Images in same folder as Shapefiles
>>>   END
>>>   LAYER
>>>     NAME 'test_raster'
>>>     STATUS OFF
>>>     TILEINDEX 'index'
>>>   END
>>> ---->snip<----
>>> The 'tile index' layer was created via an ArcGIS extension written
>>> by Mike Juvrud of Mud Labs. What it does is takes the
>>> Orthophoto/raster image from a MrSID format, and chops it up into
>>> tiles, outputting the tiles as TIFF formatted images (max 50MB per
>>> image). At the same time, it generates the 'tile index' layer,
>>> filling in the corresponding filename in an attribute named 'PATH'.
>>> After verifying this method worked using TIFF files, the 'PATH'
>>> attribute was changed from a .tif extension to a .jp2 extension. So
>>> if I had an image named '104.tif' the new name would be '104.jp2'
>>> I used the 'jasper' utility to convert the TIFF image to a JPEG2000
>>> using the command: 'jasper -f 104.tif -t tif -F 104.jp2 -T jp2'
>>> Here is the output from ogrinfo of a TIFF version, and another of
>>> the JPEG2000 version.
>>> ==TIFF: (command used: 'ogrinfo dougIndex.shp dougIndex')
>>> INFO: Open of `dougIndex.shp'
>>> using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
>>> Layer name: dougIndex
>>> Geometry: Polygon
>>> Feature Count: 7
>>> Extent: (285931.949063, 5109160.000042) - (289100.000009,
>>> 5109580.000043)
>>> Layer SRS WKT:
>>> (unknown)
>>> PATH: String (15.0)
>>> STATUS: Integer (4.0)
>>> IndexID: Integer (9.0)
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex):0
>>>   PATH (String) = 104.tif
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 104
>>>   POLYGON ((286040.000 5109160.000,285931.949 5109160.000,285945.481
>>> 5109580.000,286040.000 5109580.000,286040.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex):1
>>>   PATH (String) = 105.tif
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 105
>>>   POLYGON ((286550.000 5109160.000,286040.000 5109160.000,286040.000
>>> 5109580.000,286550.000 5109580.000,286550.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex):2
>>>   PATH (String) = 106.tif
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 106
>>>   POLYGON ((287060.000 5109160.000,286550.000 5109160.000,286550.000
>>> 5109580.000,287060.000 5109580.000,287060.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex):3
>>>   PATH (String) = 107.tif
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 107
>>>   POLYGON ((287570.000 5109160.000,287060.000 5109160.000,287060.000
>>> 5109580.000,287570.000 5109580.000,287570.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex):4
>>>   PATH (String) = 108.tif
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 108
>>>   POLYGON ((288080.000 5109160.000,287570.000 5109160.000,287570.000
>>> 5109580.000,288080.000 5109580.000,288080.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex):5
>>>   PATH (String) = 109.tif
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 109
>>>   POLYGON ((288590.000 5109160.000,288080.000 5109160.000,288080.000
>>> 5109580.000,288590.000 5109580.000,288590.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex):6
>>>   PATH (String) = 110.tif
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 110
>>>   POLYGON ((289100.000 5109160.000,288590.000 5109160.000,288590.000
>>> 5109580.000,289100.000 5109580.000,289100.000 5109160.000))
>>> ==========
>>> ==JPEG2000: (command used: 'ogrinfo dougIndex_jp2.shp dougIndex_jp2')
>>> INFO: Open of `dougIndex_jp2.shp'
>>> using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
>>> Layer name: dougIndex_jp2
>>> Geometry: Polygon
>>> Feature Count: 7
>>> Extent: (286040.000007, 5109160.000042) - (289100.000009,
>>> 5109580.000043)
>>> Layer SRS WKT:
>>> (unknown)
>>> PATH: String (15.0)
>>> STATUS: Integer (4.0)
>>> IndexID: Integer (9.0)
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex):0
>>>   PATH (String) = 104.jp2
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 104
>>>   POLYGON ((286040.000 5109160.000,285931.949 5109160.000,285945.481
>>> 5109580.000,286040.000 5109580.000,286040.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex_jp2):1
>>>   PATH (String) = 105.jp2
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 105
>>>   POLYGON ((286550.000 5109160.000,286040.000 5109160.000,286040.000
>>> 5109580.000,286550.000 5109580.000,286550.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex_jp2):2
>>>   PATH (String) = 106.jp2
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 106
>>>   POLYGON ((287060.000 5109160.000,286550.000 5109160.000,286550.000
>>> 5109580.000,287060.000 5109580.000,287060.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex_jp2):3
>>>   PATH (String) = 107.jp2
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 107
>>>   POLYGON ((287570.000 5109160.000,287060.000 5109160.000,287060.000
>>> 5109580.000,287570.000 5109580.000,287570.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex_jp2):4
>>>   PATH (String) = 108.jp2
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 108
>>>   POLYGON ((288080.000 5109160.000,287570.000 5109160.000,287570.000
>>> 5109580.000,288080.000 5109580.000,288080.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex_jp2):5
>>>   PATH (String) = 109.jp2
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 109
>>>   POLYGON ((288590.000 5109160.000,288080.000 5109160.000,288080.000
>>> 5109580.000,288590.000 5109580.000,288590.000 5109160.000))
>>> OGRFeature(dougIndex_jp2):6
>>>   PATH (String) = 110.jp2
>>>   STATUS (Integer) = 1
>>>   IndexID (Integer) = 110
>>>   POLYGON ((289100.000 5109160.000,288590.000 5109160.000,288590.000
>>> 5109580.000,289100.000 5109580.000,289100.000 5109160.000))
>>> ==========
>>> I hope I covered all the bases. If you need any more info, sling
>>> your questions my way.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Brant Anderson
>>>> Ed McNierney wrote:
>>>>> Brant -
>>>>> You mentioned "tile", so I assume you're using a TILEINDEX.  You
>>>>> mention changing the PATH attribute of the shapefile - could you
>>>>> be a little more specific?  Could you post the LAYER definition in
>>>>> your MAP file for this layer?  I would expect that you would use
>>>>> gdaltindex to create a new TILEINDEX shapefile with the new
>>>>> filenames in it (remember that gdaltindex will add to an existing
>>>>> file, so you'll want to create a new one).  Then you would change
>>>>> the TILEINDEX statement in your MAP file to refer to this new
>>>>> shapefile.
>>>>>     - Ed
>>>>> Ed McNierney
>>>>> President and Chief Mapmaker
>>>>> / Maps a la carte, Inc.
>>>>> 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
>>>>> North Chelmsford, MA  01863
>>>>> Phone: +1 978 251-4242   Fax: +1 978 251-1396
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> *From:* UMN MapServer Users List
>>>>> [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] *On Behalf Of *Brant Anderson
>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 26, 2004 1:21 AM
>>>>> *Subject:* [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] JPEG 2000 format instead of TIFF
>>>>> for a RASTER layer
>>>>> I am trying to tile ortho photos using the JPEG 2000 (jp2) format.
>>>>> I have created a working tif version.
>>>>> I converted the TIF images to JP2 files using jasper. Then I
>>>>> updated the PATH attribute of the shapefile to reflect the new
>>>>> file extension. This, however, created unexpected results. I am
>>>>> getting an Internal Server Error.
>>>>> Here is my MapServer output: (mapserv -v)
>>>>> MapServer version 4.2.2 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP
>>>>> Here is my gdal-config output: (gdal-config --formats)
>>>>> gxf gtiff hfa aigrid aaigrid ceos ceos2 iso8211 xpm sdts raw dted
>>>>> mem jdem envisat elas fit vrt usgsdem l1b nitf bmp pcidsk bsb
>>>>> *jpeg2000* gif jpeg png grass
>>>>> Does anybody know if it is possible to use JPEG 2000 instead of
>>>>> TIFF for this?
>>>>> I would like to use this format if possible, as the file sizes are
>>>>> 2-3x smaller than with the .tif, and the quality differences are
>>>>> unnoticeable.
>>>>> Any help/suggestions welcome.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Brant Anderson
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