MapServer with SLD support

Nikolaj Kamstrup nkk at KMS.DK
Thu Dec 16 07:08:53 PST 2004

Dear list members

I'm currently evaluating  a few map engines including MapServer. However,
I'm having some problems of finding af compiled version of MapServer for
Windows that supports SLD. I have previously downloaded the windows
binaries 4.2 version and recently the 4.4 version from the MapServer
homepage but both of them throw an exception when trying to make a WMS
request that includes SLD. Exception is something like "MapServer supports
only default styles and is expecting an empty string for the STYLES

I would appreciate if someone could direct me to a downloadable compiled
version of MapServer for windows that supports SLD. I would prefer a
version compiled with OracleSpatial input support but it's not a must.


Nikolaj Kamstrup
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