R: R: [Mapserver-users] Mapinfo symbols

Ballini Yvain Ballini.Yvain at seat.it
Wed Jan 7 02:21:47 PST 2004

Hi Julien and Daniel,

Thank you for your suggestion and your help.
We also are tryning to see in the source which enhancement could enable to manage the angles with truetype symbols.
Keep in touch if someone has some suggestion.
Best regards,

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Julien-Samuel Lacroix [mailto:lacroix at dmsolutions.ca] 
Inviato: lunedì 5 gennaio 2004 22.10
A: Ballini Yvain
Cc: Daniel Morissette; mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Oggetto: Re: R: [Mapserver-users] Mapinfo symbols

Hi Yvain,

While checking your problem I noticed why angle is ignored with the STYLEITEM "AUTO" in your layer. It's because the angle is not supported for symbols. It's only supported for labels. So your arrows can't have the good angle. I opened two bugs for this 532 and 533

But I don't know when it will be fixed.

A work around could be to use a font with symbol in it and put labels in your map that will be arrows. Then the angle will be used correctly.
But there's certainly a better way to acheive what you want. Anybody on the list has a suggestion?

Best regards,

Ballini Yvain wrote:
>  Hi Daniel,
> I'm turning to the topic of the orientation of point symbol, do you know where I can find on the mapserver source the part which manages the symbols tuned by OGR. I would like to try to do some update on my mapsrver version to solve this problem.
> Thanks a lot.
> Yvain.
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: Daniel Morissette [mailto:morissette at dmsolutions.ca]
> Inviato: giovedì 18 dicembre 2003 0.43
> A: Ballini Yvain
> Cc: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Oggetto: Re: [Mapserver-users] Mapinfo symbols
> Yvain,
> Um, I checked the code and it seems that we ignore the angle value coming from STYLEITEM AUTO for point symbols. Could please you submit a bug with a small mapfile and arrow.tab to reproduce this? I'm not sure when we would have time to work on this, but with a testcase to reproduce it's always easier for us.
> Thanks
> Daniel
> Ballini Yvain wrote:
>>Hi list,
>>I would like to read the arrows of a .tab file in mapserver: the pb is 
>>that I can read the position but not the orientation of the arrow 
>>which is contained in the "Style" line of the .tab (see under).
>>when I try to read my file arrow.tab with ogrinfo it turns me these 
>>properties for the arrow layer:
>>Layer name: arrow
>>Geometry: Point
>>Feature Count: 267349
>>Extent: (6.682870, 36.681040) - (18.495850, 46.895265) Layer SRS WKT:
>>    DATUM["WGS_1984",
>>        SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563],
>>        TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]],
>>    PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>>    UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]
>>LABEL: String (70.0)
>>  LABEL (String) =
>>  Style = 
>>  POINT (8.85458500 45.96559000)
>>  LABEL (String) =
>>  Style = 
>>  POINT (8.85458500 45.96559000)
>>I define my arrow layer like that:
>>  NAME freccie_navtech
>>  "proj=longlat"
>>  "ellps=intl"
>>  "no_defs"
>>  END
>>  DATA arrow#chiave_in_piazzale_segesta#arrow#vie3_polyline
>>  TYPE point
>>   CLASS
>>    #STYLE
>>    #  SYMBOL arrow
>>    #  size 20
>>      COLOR 88 88 245
>>    #END
>>  END
>>I think I can't recognize the id mapinfo-sym-111 which represents the 
>>arrow...but the position of the default point symbol is right on the 
>>Does someone know something about this problem or if there is a 
>>setting in the mapfile which could solve my problem?
>>Thanks a lot.
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Julien-Samuel Lacroix            lacroix at dmsolutions.ca
DM Solutions Group               http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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