[Mapserver-users] jBox

Richard Greenwood rich at greenwoodmap.com
Wed Jan 21 10:49:41 PST 2004

Michael Smith wrote:

> I have jBox installed on windows 2000 IIS 5.  I followed (I think) the
> instructions on installing.  Created wwwroot/java/jBox/ folder and copied
> evalThread.class, jBox.java, and jBox.class to that directory. 

You don't need to put jBox.java in there, that's the source code, but 
that's not your problem either.

What type of image are you creating: gif, jpeg, png... ?

What browser are you using? Have you checked that it works with Java (a 
Java VM is installed and Java is enabled in your browser)? You can test 
it at http://www2.tetonwyo.org/mapserver

Are you getting any error messages?

View your page source in your browser and make sure the substitutions 
are correct in:  <param name="image" value="http://[host][img]">
(you should not see the square brakets and you should have a valid, 
accessible path to an image.


> modifications to my html file and everthing seems to work other than I am
> getting a "gray box" where my map used to be.  Does anyone have any ideas
> what I may have missed?
> Inserted in head of html:
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
> 	function setbox_handler(name, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, redraw) {
> 		document.mapserv.imgbox.value = minx + " " + miny + " " +
> maxx + " " + maxy;
> 		document.mapserv.imgxy.value = minx + " " + miny;
> 	}
> 	function seterror_handler(message) { 
> 		alert(message);
> 	}
> 	</SCRIPT>
> Inserted this into the body of the html:
>           <tr>
>           <td colspan="2">
>             <applet codebase="/java/jBox" code="jBox.class" width="600"
>                height="600" name="jBox" MAYSCRIPT>
>               <param name="image" value="http://[host][img]">
>             </applet>
>           </td>
>         </tr>
> <input type="hidden" name="imgbox" value="-1 -1 -1 -1">
> Michael Smith, Planner II
> City of San Angelo
> Planning & Development
> 325.657.4210 Fax: 325.481.2648
> Email: msmith at sanangelompo.org 
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Richard Greenwood

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