[Mapserver-users] Projection Systems question

Amit S BEHERE abehere at cs.ucsd.edu
Wed Jan 28 20:25:14 PST 2004

I am sorry for not mentioning the problem correctly. Well, I am getting a
PNG back but it is blank. I have a test.map file and I use the following
http://pune.com/mapserver/mapserv.exe?map=location of my .map
file+mode=map. i.e I am using the same parameters as are being used in

Amit Behere.
"Technology doesn't make your life more difficult or easy, it just changes
the rules"......Vishwanathan Anand

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Ed McNierney wrote:

> Amit -
> You didn't say what the problem is.  What is happening (or not
> happening) when you try to generate a map from this mapfile?  What is
> the URL you're using (i.e. what CGI parameters are you specifying)?
> 	- Ed
> Ed McNierney
> President and Chief Mapmaker
> TopoZone.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amit S BEHERE [mailto:abehere at cs.ucsd.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:42 PM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Cc: amitbehere at rediffmail.com
> Subject: [Mapserver-users] Projection Systems question
> Hi all,
> I am having the following problem. I have a shapefile with the data in
> projection system 1983_UTM_Zone_11N. I am trying to set up a layer in
> mapserver using this shape file. I took the example1.map file in the
> tutorial and made changes to it. The salient ones being
> changing the extent to the correct coordinates (found via ArcView)
> changing the projection to init epsg: 26911 (for UTM Zone 11 N) and
> changing the name and data setting for layer.
> I also changed the type to point and set minsize to be 20.
> I am also appending the mapfile. Can some one tell me what I am doing
> wrong ? Thanks in advance
>   EXTENT         385538 3761010 391329 3764477
>   SIZE           400 300
>   SHAPEPATH      "data"
>   IMAGECOLOR     255 255 255
>  #   "proj=laea"
>   #  "ellps=clrk66"
>    # "lat_0=45"
>     #"lon_0=-100"
>   #
>   # Alternatively, you can specify an EPSG code.
>   "init=epsg:26911"
>   #
>   END
> ---------------------------------------------
>   LAYER # States polygon layer begins here
>     NAME         vernon_trees
>     DATA         vernon_trees
>     STATUS       DEFAULT
>     TYPE         POINT
>       "init=epsg:26911"
>     END
>     CLASS
>       COLOR        232 232 232
> 	MINSIZE      20
>     END
>   END # States polygon layer ends here
>   # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS -------------------------------
> END # end of map file/object
> Amit Behere.
> "Technology doesn't make your life more difficult or easy, it just
> changes the rules"......Vishwanathan Anand
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