[Mapserver-users] OGR unable to access datasource

Paul Spencer spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jan 29 13:48:37 PST 2004

I wonder if this could be an IIS issue?  IIS runs as a different user 
normally, and has considerably reduced privileges in order to block up 
potential security issues.  Can you possibly set up Apache and try with 
Apache?  If it works with Apache then we can be sure it is an IIS 
configuration issue and focus on figuring out why it won't work.

The other possibility is that your mapserver does not support VRT, did 
we rule that out yet?


Van Ulden, Joost wrote:

> Hi Tyler,
> Here is the output from ogrinfo.  Looks like its working, however I still
> unable to get mapserver to connect.  I have tried putting the
> <OGRVRTDataSource> directly in the mapfile CONNECTION and still get the same
> error: 
> msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'OGRPoints'. 
> msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection `
> ODBC:foo/foo at mydsn,Desc_story Desc_story wkbPoint WGS84 '. File not found or
> unsupported format. 
> Looking forward to your response.
> C:\OpenEV_FW\bin>ogrinfo C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MS_DEMO\mapserver\data\ogr.ovf
> ERROR 4: Update access not supported for VRT datasources.
> Had to open data source read-only.
> INFO: Open of `C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MS_DEMO\mapserver\data\ogr.ovf'
> using driver `VRT' successful.
> 1: story (Point)
> C:\OpenEV_FW\bin>ogrinfo C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MS_DEMO\mapserver\data\ogr.ovf
> story ERROR 4: Update access not supported for VRT datasources. Had to open
> data source read-only.
> INFO: Open of `C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MS_DEMO\mapserver\data\ogr.ovf'
> using driver `VRT' successful.
> .
> .
> .
> OGRFeature(story):87
>   desc_id (String) = 400E2174-65BF-3224-7CEF493349368AE7
>   group_id (String) = 0
>   comm_id (String) = DE9E2A07-B0D0-EA24-1BD6282422D24117
>   user_id (String) = 4A335096-7ADD-419B-9E16-1995F233D3F8
>   elev (Real) =                  0
>   units (String) =
>   rtype (String) =
>   mu (String) =
>   ldesc (String) =
>   min (String) =
>   lmu (String) =
>   struct (String) =
>   txt (String) =
>   snum (String) =
>   purp (String) =
>   sfeat (String) =
>   azi (Real) =                  0
>   dip (Real) =                  0
>   stdesc (String) =
>   name (String) =
>   sdesc (String) =
>   story_x (Real) = -1993136.4272429
>   story_y (Real) = 471899.80462409
>   share (Integer) = 0
>   release (Integer) = 1
>   date (String) = 2004-01-22 16:08:11.000
>   POINT (-1993136.427 471899.805 0.000)
> ============================================
> Joost van Ulden
> Programmer/Analyst
> Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
> Geological Survey of Canada / Commission geologique du Canada
> 101 - 605 Robson Street / 101 - 605 rue Robson
> Vancouver, B.C. / Vancouver (C.-B.)
> V6B 5J3
> Office/Bureau:  604.666.7525
> fax/telecopieur: 604.666.1124
> jvanulde at nrcan.gc.ca
> ============================================
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:TMitchell at lignum.com] 
>>Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 9:46 AM
>>To: Van Ulden, Joost
>>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] OGR unable to access datasource
>>>  LAYER
>>>    NAME OGRPoints
>>>    CONNECTION "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MS_DEMO\ogr.ovf"
>>>    DATA "Desc_story"
>>>    STATUS default
>>>    CLASS
>>>      COLOR 255 0 0
>>>    END
>>I just asked for your layer definition, I see it here in your 
>>old email, so nevermind. Are you sure about the text case for 
>>the "DATA" parameter?  Send me your output from ogrinfo!
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|Paul Spencer                           spencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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