[Mapserver-users] Polygon Layer and Coloring...

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed May 12 20:18:41 EDT 2004

Try something like this:

     EXPRESSION "value1"
       COLOR r1 g1 b1
     EXPRESSION "value2"
       COLOR r2 g2 b2

-Steve W.

Michael Cortez wrote:

> And another newbie stumbles on to the scene...
> So I've gotten Mapserver up and running, ran through some of the
> tutorials, been playing with data from ESRI World Basemap Data,
> TIGER/Line, etc...  In each case I've just based my work off the
> "workshop" files.
> Everything so far is "good to go."
> ...
> Now I'm experimenting with Styling, and I pulled some ESRI World Basemap
> Data for Germany.  The data includes a Polygon layer for provinces.
> Each province has a COLOR_MAP field, with what looks like a unique
> number for each province (1 through 9 I think).
> What I'd like to try and have, is for each province to be a different
> color.  I don't care what the specific colors are (at this point.)  Is
> there some "easy" method of defining a single layer, that then colors
> each province differently (possibly based on it's COLOR_MAP field)?
> Or do I have to create a separate layer for each province, with a
> separate CLASS & COLOR for each province?  If I have to go this route,
> how would I isolate each province for each layer?  
> Thanks,
> --
> Michael Cortez
> Development Services
> Academic Computing
> Fullerton College
> http://www.fullcoll.edu 
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