[Mapserver-users] Compile Mapserver 4.0.1 - gdal-1.1.9

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue May 18 06:30:25 PDT 2004

Rolando Riley wrote:
> Hello Guys:
>    I have been following your directions to compile mapserver with support
> to OGR.  Each time I try to do it I get this error.  What is wrong?
> -----------
> #
> ./configure --with-httpd=/usr/sbin/httpd --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-con
> fig --with-proj=/usr/ --with-tiff=/usr --with-ogr=/home/rriley/gdal-1.1.9/og
> r/ --with-wfs --with-wfsclient

The problem may be related to your attempt to use of two different 
versions of GDAL in your build:


Since OGR is part of GDAL, you need to point both to the same location, 
or specify the location in only one of the two options and the other one 
will follow, e.g.

     --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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