[Mapserver-users] List of mapservers

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Thu May 20 13:29:17 PDT 2004

I guess that the gallery on the mapserver web page isn't all you want is 
it?  Are you only looking for publicly accessible services that you want 
to access yourself or are you just interested in getting an idea of what 
people are doing?  Not all (most?) mapservers running have web services 
like WMS/WFS running and therefore will not have anything like a public 
capabilities list.

But if you'd like to know what capabilities folks' mapserver apps have, 
then folks on the would probably be glad to share that info with you.

I guess the question is what do you mean by "capabilities" - in a general 
sense (i.e. can read in certain data formats) or in a web services sense 
(i.e. an XML document describing all the layers in a WMS configuration).

Hope that helps get you some info.


mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu wrote on 05/20/2004 01:00:57 PM:

> Does anyone know if a list of mapservers exists anywhere? I'd like
> the list to contain the information/capabilities (or the cgi
> script used to obtain the capabilities) for each of the
> respective servers.
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