PostGIS vs MyGis

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Fri Nov 19 02:53:39 PST 2004

Hi Bjoern,

the MyGIS datastore for Mapserver stores geometry in WKB format (or WKT)
in a MySQL database field. It has its own Perl convertor to put the data
into MySQL by using a shapefile as input.

Mapserver has no support (as yet) for the MySQL spatial extensions which
were released in MySQL 4.1.

Best regards,

> Hi Bart,
>> are you referring to the MySQL spatial extensions which have
>> been released in MySQL 4.1, or are you talking about the
>> MyGIS connector in Mapserver, which is storing geometries as
>> WKB in MySQL?
> Can you explain the difference to me? Mustn't I use CONNECTIONTYPE mygis
> when I want to use the MySQL spatial extensions????
> If not, what _do_ I have to use??
> Maybe that could solve an actual problem here...
> Bye,
> Bjoern.

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