Attention java programmers: mapscript thread safety

Oliver Wesp wesp at GDV.COM
Thu Nov 25 02:36:28 PST 2004

Jeff Hoffmann wrote:

 > Since this thread should catch the attention of the Java/MapServer
 > contingent, I thought it'd be a good place for a request.  Does anyone
 > have a Windows binary with a Java MapScript library that they can share?
 >  Alternately, has anybody successfully done it?  Can it be built with
 > MinGW or some other free compiler?  I'm not set up to compile something
 > like this on Windows and the whole process seems like it could turn into
 > a serious chore just for some experimenting.

I aggree that a Windows binary with Java MapScript would be a great
addition and can increase the usage of Java MapScript within the community.
I also aggree that building on windows is a challenge. We worked with
MinGW for quite some time but had no success in building everthing we
needed. Some things worked, some not. We didn't gave up yet so maybe
sometime we get it done and we would be happy to share it with
erverybody who is interested. But in order to say it clearly if anybody
has a working Java Mapscript library for windows we would have a serious
celebration about it.

best regards

Dipl.-Geogr. Oliver Wesp
Gesellschaft fuer geografische Datenverarbeitung
Binger Strasse 49-51
D-55218 Ingelheim
fon: +49 6132 714818
fax: +49 6132 714828

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