gdalindex question

Ed McNierney ed at TOPOZONE.COM
Mon Oct 4 11:37:37 PDT 2004

Dylan -

Thanks for asking a well-documented question!

Your MapServer output looks like you're using the tile index layer as a
POLYGON layer, and doesn't seem to match up with the map file fragment you
post (i.e. there's no TYPE POLYGON layer with labels there).  The filenames
that are appearing as labels look a little funny - are you sure those are
the correct filenames?

Also, you're causing all black pixels to be displayed as white, which won't
"remove" them.  You may want to use the OFFSITE statement to cause black
pixels to be transparent, letting overlapped data show through.

      - Ed

Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker

At 02:18 PM 10/4/2004, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
>I have a pile of DOQQ images  that i would like to use with my map, and wanted
>to use gdalindex to setup an efficient way for these images to be loaded.
>note that everything is in the same projection.
>after running:
>gdaltindex doqq_index.shp *.tiff
>i am left with a shapfile with entries for all of the images.... seems ok.
>...looking at the output in QGIS:
>...all seems fine (except for a few mssing images)
>however mapserver is not rendering the tiff files based on the index:
>here is my layer defs in my map file:
>  NAME "DOQQ_index"
>  TILEINDEX "imagery/doqq/tiled/doqq_index.shp"
>  TILEITEM "Location"
>  #DATA "imagery/doqq/tiled/o38122f1nw.tif.temp.tiff"
>  #remove the black (no_data) pixels!
>  CLASSITEM "[pixel]"
>   EXPRESSION ([pixel] == 0 )
>   COLOR 255 255 255
>  END
>  #render the rest of the pixel values!
>  END
>any ideas>?
>thanks in advance!!
>Dylan Beaudette
>Soil Science Grad Group
>University of California at Davis

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