Mapscript error when PHP compiled with GD support

Camden Daily cdaily at GMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 4 14:24:10 EDT 2005

'lo all.  I'm having a strange issue.  I wanted to experiment with
creating a large mapserver image and then use the php image functions
to resize and antialias it as I'd seen mentioned last week in a

However, after recompiling  php and adding the following options
(--with-gd --with-png-dir=/lib --with-jpeg-dir=/lib
--with-zlib-dir=/lib) my mapscript is broken.  PHP gives an error of
"Call to a member function saveWebImage() on a non-object".  What's
strange is that if I leave all of my layers with a status of off,
everything works peachy.  As soon as I turn on any of my layers,
though, things break.  If I recompile PHP without the gd stuff, things
run smoothly again.

Mapserver isn't logging a thing, and the mapscript ms_GetErrorObj
isn't giving me any clues, either.  gd, libjpeg, libpng, and zlib
(along with devel packages) were all installed from rpm.  I'm running
on Suse 9.1 with Mapserver v 4.4.1.

If anyone has any clues on what might be happening, I'm all ears.  I'd
especially appreciate any ideas on how to truly debug what's going on,
as mapserver is keeping things nice and secretive.


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