transparency flash movie OUTPUT_MOVIE=SINGLE/MULTIPLE

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at DUIF.NET
Tue Apr 5 04:47:24 PDT 2005


Thanks I think you're right, I can try to make the bitmap (which is
actually a call to another OGC mapserver) part of the mapserver mapfile.
The mapserver then becomes a cascading mapserver?

Don't know how you call the mapserver, but my swf's are exactly the same
size as the images I request. I use calls like:
which returns a flashmovie of 300x300 to me IF you open the movie in the
flashplayer. Opening it in a browser shows it indeed 5 times the normal
size, but using it in another flashmovie is ok.


Kristjan Annus wrote:
> I don't know about seting transparent backgrounds if swf output, but one
> solution for you is to put your bitmap background image also to your map
> file, and create one single swf output for all of your data.
> But I have encountered one problem with mapserver FLASH output too,
> thats the size of the swf file, when you use OUTPUT_MOVIE=SINGLE option.
> In my case it was about 2-5x of the file size of the same output in jpg
> format.
> Does anybody know is there some way to decrease the swf output file size?
> Kristjan
>> Hi List members,
>> using the mapserver (two layers) swf/flash output I tried both format
>> options:
>> Using the first one returns an 'index'-swf from which I can get the two
>> layer swf's. This results in 'transparent' movies, that is I can show a
>> bitmap behind the movie in the flashplayer.
>> When using output SINGLE, I receive the right features, but on an
>> non-transparant (white) background (without changing any other option in
>> the mapfile)?
>> Question:
>> - does anyone know IF it is possible to make the SINGLE output movies
>> transparent?
>> - If yes, please tell me how?
>> - Is there another way, then delving in the mapserver cpp code, to
>> influence the code within the mapserver-returned-swf-files (for example
>> to influence _root or using _parent references)?
>> - Is there other flash-output specific documentation other then: the fmv
>> flashexample:
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Richard

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