Lluís Garcia i Mestres lluisgm at GMAIL.COM
Wed Apr 6 11:27:33 EDT 2005

The applet is still not working in Konqueror, also  have many problems
with javascripts, so it's better to work with firefox. I'm using
Mandrake 10.1 and mapserver 4.4.1.


On Apr 6, 2005 4:37 AM, Richard Greenwood <richard.greenwood at gmail.com> wrote:
> Lluís Garcia i Mestres <lluisgm <at> GMAIL.COM> writes:
> >
> > Thanks Richard,
> >
> > Finally I can see the applet. My first error was to use the konqueror,
> > so I changed to Firefox and then I linked the plugin of jre. Now it´s
> > fine.
> >
> > Lluís
> So is it still not working with Konqueror? Last time I checked it was fine with
> Konqueror. If you could check again and let me know I would appreciate it. And
> what OS are you running Konqueror on?
> Rich

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