A queryByAttribute problem

Bob Bruce covariance at SHAW.CA
Tue Apr 12 19:39:56 PDT 2005

     I have been running this query on a polygon file of Winnipeg

       $result = $NeighbourhoodsLayer->queryByAttributes("NAME",
$NeighbourhoodName, MS_MULTIPLE);

The polygon layer has polygons with these names (among others):
"St. John's"
"St. John's Park"

when I do a search for "St. John's Park" it returns a polygon. When I do a
search for "St. John's" it doesn't return anything. I changed the third
argument from MS_SINGLE to MS_MULTIPLE thinking that both neighbourhoods
were being returned, but it still returned a status of MS_FAILURE.

If I add a '-' character to the end of the "St. John's" name in the map and
search on that then it has no problem.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this maybe a bug?

        Bob Bruce, Winnipeg, Manitoba

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