MapScript essentials

Diego Efe diegoefe at YAHOO.COM
Thu Dec 22 07:11:11 PST 2005

Hi everybody,

            First let me tell you that I hardly speak
english and that this is the first time I join a list,
so if a make a mistake and upset somebody, please let
me know and I'll try to rectify my behaviour. Thanks.

My questions (I'm using PHP MapScript):
How can query a group of shape files and get the
contents of their corresponding .dbf's to, then, query
a datasource (Database, dbf, etc).
I've tried this code:

$map = ms_newMapObj($map_file, $map_path);

for($i=0; $i<$map->numlayers; ++$i) {
	printf("% 2d %s",($i+1),$layer->name.':
	if($my_extent && $layer->isVisible()) {
		if(@$layer->queryByRect($my_extent)==MS_SUCCESS) {
			if($nres) {
				for($x=0; $x<$nres; ++$x) {
$r->tileindex);	// got errors with this one
					$shape=$layer->getShape($x, 0);

This is part of a app that zoom, pans and switches
layers on/off (the things I've did so far).
I have two problems:
1) I seem to get only the first record of the .dbf
2) I'm using a precompiled version of Linux HostGis
2.4.31 with MapServer 4.6.0 and the documentation in
the layerObj has much more methods and properties than
what I got in my installation.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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