Default Worldfile?

Jeff de La Beaujardiere jeff2002 at SUNRISE.GSFC.NASA.GOV
Fri Dec 23 11:02:14 PST 2005

Sage Lichtenwalner wrote:
> b) write a script to rewrite all my HDF files with a more standard 
> metadata format.

Converting HDF to GeoTIFF would be beneficial. You could use IDL if
you have access to that software.

I have the same problem as you: a continuing stream of remote-sensing
images for which I need to retain georeferencing information. For my
MODIS collection, I am given PNG images in geographic coordinates so I
generate a worldfile for each (all have different georeferencing). For
my GOES collection, I need to reproject each image upon receipt so
I write GeoTIFFs (all have the same georeferencing).

Another approach, which allows a single default worldfile, is the
following. Instead of invoking URLs that directly execute Mapserver
with the mapfile as a named parameter, have the URLs invoke another
program that calls Mapserver. Then, in that program you determine
what image(s) will need to be accessed, and you can therefore copy or
symlink to the standard worldfile before invoking Mapserver. An
asynchronous cleanup process could delete the unneeded worldfiles
every day or so.

-Jeff DLB

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