Offtopic: problems using geo::coder::us on debian

Lowell Filak lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG
Wed Jan 19 23:57:51 EST 2005

The following message was sent by Jeff Portwine <jdport at VERITIME.COM> on
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:19:32 -0500.

> Hi all... I'm trying to use the geocoding perl library geo::coder::us
> downloaded from CPAN.   I've installed it and all the pre-requisite
> libraries as well.    When I do "perl",  and "make", there are
> no problems... but when I do "make test" it fails most of its tests
and the
> resulting code after doing "make install" doesn't work.... it doesn't give
> an error but it doesn't give any results either.   It doesn't even
notice if
> I give it a bogus non-existant .db file.     Anybody have any
suggestions on
> how to make this work or an idea of where I can look for help?     I'm
> trying to install this on a debian linux machine.
> Thanks a lot,
> Jeff


Other than contacting the authors I don't see any specific help.
So, I went ahead and installed it manually (aka. no cpan module) to
document the steps. Thank goodness for the cpan module.
Assume download, tar -xf --gunzip, perl Makefile.PL, make, make test,
make install for each:
1) DB_File-1.810
2) Carp-Assert-0.18
3) Class-Data-Inheritable-0.02
4) Class-Accessor-0.19
5) Geo-TigerLine-0.02
6) Geo-Fips55-0.01
7) Geo-Coder-US-0.21
This was all on RH 9, perl 5.8.0-88, gcc-3.2.2-5.
The worst part is - not a single error on any test, so now I have a
working geocoder (sans data) on my desktop but you don't.
What was the first test to fail & in which module?
With more info maybe somebody can help.


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