Mapserver startup: Step 2
Bernard de Bono
bdb at EBI.AC.UK
Fri Jan 21 03:27:32 PST 2005
Dear All,
Thank you for your responses and suggested links.
I have downloaded a few map files, as suggested (but so far I am not
sure how to access their content).
1) Is there a specific directory where the map data should be stored?
2) Is there a Perl equivalent to the PHP Recipe set? My knowledge of PHP
is somewhat limited. I plan to use Perl + MySQL (as I have some
experience in the area).
Status so far: mapserver is installed and seems to respond when evoked
through apache. The next step involves:
(1) establishing basic set instructions the server responds to (i.e.
those four or five commands one uses most of the time), and perhaps more
(2) understand how these instructions may reach the server. I would also
appreciate any indications as to the basic syntax of imparting commands
via (a) the webbrowser and (2) via command line.
I look forward to your feedback and comments.
Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>>Having absolutely no experience with GIS, I was encouraged to read about
>>mapserver's connectivity with MySQL and Perl, and have just installed the
>>latest source code, and look forward to testing the server.
>Welcome aboard. I'm not a MySQL user and have barely used Perl MapScript, but
>this would be a more advanced solution for a beginner.
>>Is there a simple guide available that does not assume any GIS background?
>>I still need some basic questions answered, such as:
>>1) Is map data (i.e. maps of countries) freely available? Is that a
>>separate download?
>You will probably find a lot of options. You should probably start with
>trying to find some "shape files" - that is a common GIS file format.
>>2) Is the impression that Mapserver uses MySQL to store data correct? What
>>type of information is stored on MySQL, and why was there no reference to
>>MySQL accounts during compilation?
>MySQL is only one option, and you will have to do some special compile/set up
>steps to get it working. I can't speak to the specifics myself though.
>>3) MapScript: is there documentation for it? Has it been downloaded with
>>the server source package?
>Yes it is part of the source package in mapserverxxx/mapscript/perl has the
>perl stuff in it.
>>Any pointers as to how to get up to speed with Mapserver would be most
>I'm writing a book - hope it will help :) Otherwise, keep in touch with the
>list and we'll get you running. If you can use IRC/chat go to
> and join #mapserver. Usually some helpful folks there.
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