installation problems [was Re: Example Maps]

Nicole Faust n_faust at INFORMATIK.UNI-KL.DE
Tue Jan 25 02:00:03 PST 2005

Hello Hal,

> I haven't seen the "Web application error. No template provided."
> message; I can't help with interpreting that.  Anybody?

I've only forgotten the "&mode=map" in the URL while
I wanted to display the map.

> I am also baffled by the "duplicate name - ms_newmapobj in
> /home/n_faust/software/projekt/htdocs/phpinfo_mapscript.phtml on line
> 21" errors, since the code you posted appears to have only 15 lines.

The file that caused these errors was a test file - I added it to
the attachement (files.tar.gz).

> The devil is probably in the details.  It would be helpful if you
> would post the unedited, exact text of the .MAP and .PHP files you're
> using, together with the URL that we could use to view the result.
> My hunch is still that you are having some sort of hiccup with a path.

The unedited .MAP and .PHP files
(from the site
can be found in files.tar.gz
My versions (where I tried to adjust the shape- and imagepath) can be
found in mod_files.tar.gz

The DocumentRoot of Apache is: /home/n_faust/software/projekt/htdocs.
karten is a subdirectory of the DocumentRoot where the .MAP, .PHP /
.PHTML, .SHP and .SHX files are stored.
You have only to adjust the name of the file you want to display in the
following URL:

> Are you running in a virtual server environment?  That is, are there
> multiple domains hosted on the machine you're using?

No, I'm not running a virtual server environment.

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