Can't see data

Paul Ramsey pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET
Mon Jan 31 16:16:21 EST 2005

Any change your bbox is not in fact over your data? (projection, etc?)
Turn on DEBUG and see what the SQL being generated is. Put it into psql
and see what you get.


Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:

> (I wasn't sure which list to post to [mapserver-users | postgis-users],
> so I try this one first)
> Hi,
> I have (I think) successfully loaded data into PostGIS and am trying to
> access it via MapServer WMS / WFS.
> I verified that the data in the PostGIS instance is okay by running
> pgsql2shp and testing the output shapefile.  Except for truncated col
> names, all is well.
> Here's my mapfile chunk:
> # mapfile chunk:
>   NAME "service_endpoints"
>   CONNECTION "user=postgres dbname=devgeodb"
>   DATA "the_geom from service_endpoints"
> In WMS, when I run a GetCapabilities on the server, all is fine.
> In WMS, when I run a GetMap on the server, I get a blank map back.
> In WFS, when I run a GetCapabilities on the server, all is fine.
> In WFS, when I run a DescribeFeatureType on the server, all is fine.
> You can see the table just fine.
> In WFS, when I run a GetFeature on the server, I get a blank result set
> back:
> <wfs:FeatureCollection xsi:schemaLocation="
> QUEST=DescribeFeatureType&TYPENAME=service_endpoints">
>         <gml:boundedBy>
> <gml:null>missing</gml:null>
> </gml:boundedBy>
> </wfs:FeatureCollection>
> Any hints as to what's going on?  If MapServer wasn't connecting to
> PostGIS correctly, then the WFS DescribeFeatureType request wouldn't be
> able to read the table.
> ..Tom

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