PostGIS vs. MySQL spatial in MapServer

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE
Wed Jun 1 05:53:59 PDT 2005

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone point me to some comparisons of the spatial functionality of
> these packages?
> Thanks
> ..Tom
> =========================
> Tom Kralidis
> Senior Systems Scientist
> Environment Canada
> Tel: +01-905-336-4409

Just to add to the confusion... there is a project called MyWMS which 
has been implemented by Klaus Benndorf (all in German: in cooperation with MySQL AB.
There is a case study (very short, German language):

It states that MyWMS is OGC WMS compliant (it probably should say 
implementing) and uses some MySQL "spatial operations".
The proprietary forerunner GISeye contains a very powerful rendering 
engine which can handle the cartographic wilderness that German 
cadastral maps boast (Steve added some of this functionality to 
MapServer last year). It will be (was, is) released under the GNU/GPL 
with a dual licensing simliar to that by MySQL AB.

i did not yet have time to dig into it. If you are interested in 
internal details of MySQL spatial functionality probably Klaus will know 


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