displaying multiple points from database using phpmapscript

Your Name waste at SHAZ-BOT.COM
Thu Jun 2 10:58:57 EDT 2005

Hello All,

Not sure if I am doing this correctly.  I have a database with x,y
coordinates (pixel format) stored in it (mysql, not using the gis
extensions).  I use php to get a list of those coordinates and I want to
display them all at once.  However it appears to only draw 1 set of
coordinates.  I am new to MapServer and somewhat to PHP so perhaps my
logic is wrong.  Here is a code sample:

for ($j=0; $j < mysql_num_rows($reStation); $j++) 
	$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($reStation);
        // convert pixel to geocoded
        $map_pt = click2map($row["x"],$row["y"],$map->extent);

	//Create the point
        $pt = ms_newPointObj();
        $pt-> setXY($map_pt[0],$map_pt[1]);
        $img = $map->draw();
        $layer = $map->getLayerByName('POINTLOC');
        $pt->draw($map, $layer, $img, 0 ,'yuhuu');

$url = $img->saveWebImage();

I have a feeling my logic is wrong.  

here is what the POINTLOC layer looks like (if that makes a
difference...but i think my php may be wrong)

	       NAME "0"
		 COLOR 255 0 0 
		 MAXSIZE 300 
		 SYMBOL 'rect' 
		 SIZE 10
	       END #style
	   END #class
	 END #layer

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