MapServer 4.6.0-beta2 64bit Perl/Mapscipt Problem

Sean Gillies sgillies at FRII.COM
Fri Jun 3 10:21:14 EDT 2005

On Jun 3, 2005, at 8:11 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

> Lowell,
> Thank you for the off-list post, it reminded me that I needed to post 
> an
> update.
> I took Sean's advice to narrow down the problem by removing stuff from
> the mapfile. End result was the we quickly determined that the user did
> not have all the symbols installed on his system. This was a remote
> debugging using chat and email which as you can imagine is a little
> tedious. So we got is working and things are good. Thank you all for
> your help and suggestions they are greatly appreciated.
> Now back to your regular programming :)
>    -Steve W

Steve, want to enter a bug in the tracker regarding the consequences of 
referring to an undefined symbol? MapServer should really raise an 
exception in this case instead of crashing.


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