hyperlink in a map

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Jun 6 13:45:02 EDT 2005

I assume you want to have someone click on the map and go to another website? If so, that's easy, just use a URL template:

  NAME 'my symbols'
  TEMPLATE 'http://www.google.com'

If a user clicks on any point them they'd be directed to Google. Works with all feature types (don't know about rasters though) and the template can be a fixed URL or one dynamically build from attributes. It must start http:// or https:// or ftp://.


>>> SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Nuri <mapserver at HOTMAIL.COM> 06/06/05 5:14 AM >>>

I have a database dbf, with several defined symbols. They appear in my map
when I run mapserver.

It is possible to insert a hyperlink from those symbols that appear in the
map to an existing URL? If it is, how can do it? What instruction have I
to insert in .map file?

Thank you.


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