perl mapscript crash "Can't locate auto/mapscript/classObj/"

Berend Veldkamp berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL
Fri Jun 10 02:53:18 EDT 2005


Are you sure the Apache error is related to your MapServer problem? I had a
similar problem recently where the map wasn't drawn at certain scales. In
the end it appeared to be related to the number of labels drawn in certain
mapextents and the number of colors that were used.

BTW It is considered bad form by some to reply to yourself, add only 1 line,
and quote the entire original (4000 lines) message. And I doubt there are
many people going to scan through a mapfile that big anyway, so what's the


On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 15:23:33 -0700, Joseph Bussell <joe at OTSYS.COM> wrote:

>No one has any ideas???
>Joseph Bussell wrote:
>> I have a mapfile that when viewed at certain zoom levels, generates a
>> failure.  The Apache log indicates that a specific object cannot be
>> found.  I explicitly turned off all the layers, intending to add them
>> one at a time until I observed a failure, but the failure still
>> existed for scales 2000001 and higher.  I do not understand why some
>> Perl module is differentially available based on my scale.  Back in
>> the days when TrafficDodger was an active application this was
>> working.  I updated the mapscript to the latest stable rev and had to
>> make a few changes (like my extents were improperly ordered).  Lower
>> scales work nicely.  I have other maps that show the whole planet,
>> these render nicely.  Does anyone have any ideas?
>> I am using perl mapscript from version mapserver-4.4.2,    ( set up
>> with ./configure --with-proj --with-gdal --with-gd --with-perl
>> --with-php=../mapserverDeps/php-5.0.2/ )
>> Linux 2.6.10-1.771_FC2 #1 built Mon Mar 28 00:50:14 EST 2005 i686
>> athlon i386 GNU/Linux
>> Server version: Apache/1.3.31 (Unix)
>> I offer the error string:

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