Google Maps API

Rick Levine Richard_D_Levine at RAYTHEON.COM
Thu Jun 30 11:00:05 EDT 2005

I work at a defense contractor and the command and control folks are
drooling over Google Earth.  Like you say, it is mind blowing.  We
immediately subscribed (actually, when it was still Keyhole, which just got
bought by Google and re-branded.)

I don't know if the demo allows editing of 3D objects on the map, but the
subscription version does.  The API allows addition of your own icons also.
You could easily plot police and fire vehicles in real time on the streets
of New York complete with buildings.  Astounding user interface and API.


             Camden Daily                                                  
             <cdaily at GMAIL.COM                                             
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             LISTS.UMN.EDU>            [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Google Maps   
             06/30/2005 09:39                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               Camden Daily                                                
             <cdaily at GMAIL.COM                                             

I hadn't seen this yet, so I guess it's still new.  A full-fledged API
for Google maps.  Up to 50,000 page views a day.  From what I can see,
it looks pretty well developed.  If you don't want/need the full power
of your own GIS app, and just want to plot some stuff on a map, it
looks pretty sweet.

Also, did anyone else manage to download the Google Earth beta
software?  I can't remember the last time I was so completely blown
away by a piece of software.  Zooming in from outer space onto my
house is damn cool, and then turning on the 3D buildings model and
checking out downtown Chicago is awesome.

-Camden Daily

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