history of web maps???

Shashi Gireddy gireddy at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 10 00:45:38 EDT 2005

It was easy to find the history of cartography? but I am struggling to
find the history of web-maps...

I found that of MapQuest.... those guys used to deliver directions on
a hard copy to all the gas stations... and these gas-stations use to
distribute for free....... and it became mapquest in 1996 after 5
years of research......

anybody knows any more such storries.....plz help me find out. More
over I  also want the history of Mapserver itself.. When did NASA
funded UMN... where did NASA use this software...? Nasa has an
application similar to google earth, did NASA use mapserver for this?

Thank you,

Shashi Kiran Reddy. Gireddy,
Graduate Assistant,
CBER, University of Alabama.
Cell: 205-239-6655

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