Custom Stand Alone Application - installable on Windows Boxes

Steven Lehr lehrs at ERAU.EDU
Mon Apr 3 12:13:25 EDT 2006

Hello all:

I have a client who would like to install a mapping application on a windows
box, so that he can sell it to customers with his proprietary layers.  They
accumulate special layers, and sell the layer the data with a viewer.

We are wondering how we could do a light weight install on windows.  I know
I can grab the mapserver binaries, but I'm looking for a programming
environment too, that will allow us to use the mapserver binaries.

Maybe something similar to using php/perl where you call the DLL, but I
don't want the customer to have to do a full PHP/perl install on their box
to make this work.

The features they are looking for are simple:

Query attributes
Pan and zoom to attributes
Show X, Y location of cursor
Print Map

I'm a little naïve in my programming, thinking about installing a webserver,
scripting language, database, mapserver as you would for a server.

We'd like to put into a self extracting zip file to download and install,
and perhaps run a few tests and email us back feedback to confirm
installation correctness.

Can I get your thoughts on installations, and if someone has a product out
there, don't be shy to email me directly as say that I've got this it will
be $x.

Steve Lehr

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