Increase Clarity of WMS
Kyle Mulka
mulka at UMICH.EDU
Mon Apr 3 23:09:23 PDT 2006
I'm pretty sure that all the tile images are in fact 256x256 and are
being rended that way by the browser. Do have a specific example of one
that's not like? Either generated by the javascript, or a tile in that
folder? Tools->Page Info->Media in Firefox will tell you what images are
currently loaded, including those loaded dynamically with javascript.
I'm thinking that I might have to use Google Maps itself to do
georeferencing. That way I can limit, or even eliminate the amount of
scaling and resampling that mapserver has to do. I'll give it a try next
week when I have some time. If someone has already done some
georeferencing with Google Maps and mapsever, let me know.
Ed McNierney wrote:
>Kyle -
>Well, if you increase the WIDTH and HEIGHT to 512 it will certainly look
>better - and larger!
>You are taking a relatively large image and asking MapServer to shrink
>it down for you for display. I haven't time to decipher all the
>JavaScript in there, but I suspect your "simply chopping up tiles using
>ImageMagick" example is actually generating HTML that tells the client
>browser to stuff an oversized PNG into a smaller IMG tag. Your
>individual image tiles (from the floorplans/tiles/ directory) are
>actually much larger images than your
> displays. Each
>individual tile is 512x512 pixels, but your final output image is much
>smaller than that.
>As a result, the quality of the output image may depend heavily on the
>browser being used. I think those 512x512 tiles are being displayed in
>IMG tags with HEIGHT and WIDTH properties set to a smaller value. The
>browser then squishes the images into the IMG space available.
>The image you're using is almost a worst-case scenario for MapServer.
>It's essentially a vector drawing that's been scanned as a raster image.
>You've got lots of thin lines that easily appear and disappear at
>different scale levels, depending on how the image is resampled.
>If you're going to use scanned line art in MapServer, you'll get the
>best results by producing high-quality resampled versions (ImageMagick
>is fine) at each specific scale/zoom level you'll want to use. Then
>force the user to only use one of your preselected zoom levels. Make
>sure that each image - when displayed - ends up exactly the same size as
>the original image on your server.
> - Ed
>Ed McNierney
>President and Chief Mapmaker
> / Maps a la carte, Inc.
>73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
>North Chelmsford, MA 01863
>ed at
>(978) 251-4242
>-----Original Message-----
>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
>Behalf Of Kyle Mulka
>Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 7:30 AM
>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Increase Clarity of WMS
>Here's one of the WMS tiles I'm using. I've tried stretching it using
>different values for the height and width but nothing I've tried has
>made it look better or worse.
>Josh Livni wrote:
>>I could be wrong -- I haven't used a mapserver wms in Google Maps -
>>but I think your mapserver image may be being squashed a bit. It's a
>>bit less wide relative to the height/width of your Imagemagick
>>version. Also the gmap div seems to be a different height/width in the
>>different versions.
>>WMS will happily respond with the exact extent, but perhaps not the
>>relative height/width you expect, thus 'squashing' the image, which
>>may be causing the image issues you're seeing.
>>You may want to play with this by adding a &height &width to the wms
>>query, or you could try playing with the div height/width ratios, and
>>seeing if you get similar results if one is a bit off, as I may be
>>off-base with this theory.
>> -Josh
>>Kyle Mulka wrote:
>>>I have these very detailed floor plans that I'd like to georeference
>>>and display through mapserver's WMS sever, however, the clarity of
>>>the images degrades when it goes through. How can I increase the
>>>clarity of these floorplans through the WMS?
>>>Here's with mapserver:
>>>Here's without (simply chopping up tiles using Imagemagick)
>>>Here's the parts of the map file for just the first floor:
>>>NAME "UofM"
>>> FONTSET fontset.txt
>>> "init=epsg:4326"
>>> END
>>>IMAGETYPE png24
>>>EXTENT -83.747063 42.272038 -83.709126 42.297056 SHAPEPATH
>>> NAME "dude-1"
>>> TYPE raster
>>> DATA "dude1.tif"
>>> "wms_title" "dude-1"
>>> "wms_onlineresource"
>>> "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
>>> END
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